Key Takeaways:

  • Chemical Composition Differences: Laundry detergents contain chemicals and fragrances that are not intended for use on surfaces that come into contact with food. These substances can leave harmful residues on dishes, potentially affecting your health.
  • Health and Safety Concerns: Using laundry detergent for washing dishes can lead to skin irritation, allergic reactions, and if not thoroughly rinsed, ingestion of chemical residues. It's crucial to use products specifically formulated for dishes to avoid these risks.
  • Proper Cleaning Alternatives: For effective and safe dishwashing, it’s best to stick to products specifically designed for that purpose. If you run out of dish soap, consider using baking soda or vinegar as a temporary, natural alternative that is safer than laundry detergent for cleaning dishes.


At Blue Water, we're committed to revolutionizing your cleaning experience with innovative, eco-friendly solutions that promise efficacy without compromise. As leaders in sustainable household products, we understand the importance of using the right tool for the right job—especially when it comes to the safety and cleanliness of your home.

 Today, we're addressing a question that might have crossed your mind during a kitchen clean-up: Can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes? While it might be tempting to use whatever cleaning agent you have on hand, it's important to understand the differences between products designed for laundry versus those intended for dishes.

In this article, we explain whether or not you can use laundry detergent to wash dishes. We'll go into the chemical composition of laundry detergents, their intended uses, and the risks associated with using them on dishes. 


Blue Water Dishwasher Sheets

Laundry Detergents

Laundry detergent is a type of cleaning agent specifically formulated for washing clothing and linens. Unlike dish soap, which is designed to remove grease and food residues from dishes, laundry detergents contain a variety of chemicals designed to tackle a broad spectrum of stains and odors on fabrics. These detergents may include enzymes, bleach, fabric softeners, and other agents that enhance cleaning power and provide fabric care. The formulation is typically stronger and may contain substances that are not safe for direct contact with skin or ingestion, which differentiates them significantly from dish soaps.

Comparing Laundry Detergent To Dish Soap

Laundry detergent and dish soap are designed for different purposes, and their chemical compositions reflect this. Dish soap is specifically formulated to be gentle on skin and effective at breaking down oils and food residues that are commonly found on dishes. It's also designed to rinse off easily to avoid leaving harmful residues on eating surfaces.

In contrast, laundry detergent is formulated with stronger chemicals to remove stains and odors from fabrics. These ingredients often include enzymes to break down biological stains, optical brighteners to enhance the appearance of clothing, and fragrances that are long-lasting. Laundry detergents are not required to rinse out completely as they are not intended for items that come into direct contact with food or the mouth.

Using laundry detergent on dishes can leave behind residues that are not meant to be ingested and may not rinse off as cleanly as dish soap, posing potential health risks.

Chemical Composition Of Laundry Detergents

Laundry detergents are complex mixtures comprising various ingredients tailored to perform specific functions in the washing process. Key components include:


Surfactants serve as the backbone of laundry detergents, effectively removing dirt, stains, and oils from fabrics. They operate by reducing the surface tension of water, allowing it to more effectively penetrate fabrics and dissolve dirt and oils. While crucial for clothing cleanliness, the strength and nature of these surfactants can be overly harsh for dishware, potentially damaging the surface or leaving behind harmful residues not intended for ingestion.


Specifically designed to tackle protein-based, starchy, and fatty stains, enzymes in laundry detergents work by breaking down these materials into smaller, more soluble substances. This action is perfect for fabric care where residues are typically rinsed away completely in a washing machine cycle. However, when used on dishes, these enzymes can remain on eating surfaces and may enter the body if dishes are not thoroughly rinsed, posing health risks.


Commonly used to enhance the whiteness of fabrics and remove stubborn stains, bleaches in laundry detergents can be quite aggressive. On dishes, even trace amounts of bleach can be hazardous, as these strong oxidizing agents can lead to chemical burns or poisoning if ingested.

Optical Brighteners

These synthetic chemicals are used in laundry detergents to make textiles appear cleaner and brighter. They work by converting UV light to visible light, giving clothes a luminous appearance. However, these chemicals are unnecessary for dish cleaning and may deposit on dishes, where they are not only ineffective but could potentially leach into food.

Fragrances And Dyes

Added primarily for aesthetic reasons, fragrances and dyes enhance the consumer appeal of laundry detergents. These substances can adhere to the surfaces of dishes and pose a risk when they come into contact with food. The presence of these chemicals is particularly concerning because they are designed to be long-lasting and may not fully wash away, leading to potential ingestion or allergic reactions.

The Risks Of Using Laundry Detergent On Dishes

Using laundry detergent to wash dishes introduces several risks, primarily due to the chemical makeup of these detergents which is not intended for food-contact surfaces. Some of the key risks include:

Chemical Residues

Laundry detergents are specifically designed to work effectively in the high water volume of a washing machine, which helps in thoroughly rinsing out all detergent residues. When used for washing dishes, however, the lower volumes of water typically used may not be sufficient to completely rinse away the detergent. This can result in chemical residues remaining on dishes, which may then be ingested the next time the dishes are used. Such residues can alter the taste of food and pose serious health risks if ingested over time.

Skin Irritation

The chemicals found in laundry detergents are often much harsher than those in dish soaps, making them capable of causing skin irritation or triggering allergic reactions. If dishes are not adequately rinsed, these residues can come into contact with the skin during meal handling or eating, leading to discomfort and potentially severe dermatological reactions for sensitive individuals.

Ingestion Hazards

Ingesting chemical residues from laundry detergents can be particularly dangerous. Many detergents contain ingredients that are toxic if consumed, such as certain surfactants, bleaching agents, and fragrances. Accidental ingestion can lead to gastrointestinal distress, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and may pose more severe health risks depending on the chemicals involved and the amount ingested.

Ineffective Cleaning

Laundry detergents are formulated to target and remove stains and odors from fabrics, not to dissolve food oils and residues typically found on kitchenware. As a result, using laundry detergent for dishwashing can be less effective, potentially leaving behind food particles and grease. This not only compromises the cleanliness and hygiene of your dishes but can also attract pests or lead to the development of unpleasant odors in your kitchen.

Alternatives To Using Laundry Detergent For Dishes

If you find yourself out of dish soap, there are safer and more effective alternatives to using laundry detergent for washing dishes. Here are some practical options:

  • Baking Soda and Vinegar: This combination is a natural cleaning solution that can help degrease and sanitize dishes effectively. Baking soda provides gentle abrasion, while vinegar acts as a disinfectant.
  • Castile Soap: Made from plant oils, castile soap is a versatile, biodegradable option that can be safely used for dishes. It is gentler on the skin and environmentally friendly.
  • DIY Dish Soap: You can make your own dish soap with simple ingredients like water, baking soda, salt, and lemon juice. This provides a safe and effective way to clean your dishes without harmful chemicals.
  • Bar Soap: In a pinch, fragrance-free, mild bar soap can be used. Ensure it is thoroughly rinsed off to prevent any potential skin irritation.

It's important to consider these alternatives as they are specifically suited for contact with food and are safer for both your health and the environment.

Final Thoughts 

While it might seem convenient to use laundry detergent for washing dishes in a pinch, it is not a safe or effective alternative to dish soap. Laundry detergents contain chemicals that are harsher and potentially harmful if ingested or left on skin. Health risks, along with the potential for environmental damage, make it clear that dish soap, designed specifically for cleaning food-contact surfaces, is the safer choice. If you're out of dish soap, consider using other alternatives like baking soda and vinegar, or making your own dish soap with safe, natural ingredients. It's always best to use cleaning products as intended to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Blue Water Laundry Detergent Sheets

Read also: 

Frequently Asked Questions About Using Laundry Detergent To Wash Dishes

Can laundry detergent remove grease from dishes as effectively as dish soap?

No, laundry detergent is not formulated to break down grease as effectively as dish soap, which is specifically designed to tackle greasy residues on dishes.

Is there any type of laundry detergent that could be safe for washing dishes?

All types of laundry detergents are formulated for clothing and are not recommended for dishes due to the risk of chemical ingestion and irritation.

What should I do if I accidentally use laundry detergent to wash dishes?

Rinse the dishes thoroughly several times with hot water, and consider using vinegar to help remove any residual detergent before using the dishes again.

Are there any natural ingredients in laundry detergent that are also found in dish soap?

While both may contain surfactants to aid in cleaning, the formulations are different, and the specific surfactants in laundry detergent are often stronger and not food-safe.

Can using laundry detergent on dishes damage them?

It's unlikely to damage ceramic or glass, but it can leave chemical residues that are unsafe for food contact surfaces.

How does the environmental impact of using laundry detergent compare to using dish soap when washing dishes?

Using laundry detergent can lead to higher environmental pollution due to less biodegradable and more chemically aggressive ingredients.

Why is dish soap more suitable for people with sensitive skin compared to laundry detergent?

Dish soap is generally milder and formulated to be gentle on skin, whereas laundry detergent can contain harsher chemicals that may cause irritation or allergies.

What happens if I mix laundry detergent with dish soap to wash dishes?

Mixing them is not advisable as it does not mitigate the risks associated with laundry detergent and can still lead to health and environmental concerns.

Can the scent of laundry detergent remain on dishes after washing and rinsing?

Yes, the fragrances in laundry detergent are designed to be long-lasting and may remain on dishes, potentially affecting the taste of food and leading to ingestion of chemicals.

Is it cheaper to use laundry detergent instead of dish soap for dishes?

While it might seem cost-effective, the potential health risks and inefficiency in grease removal make it a poor and unsafe choice compared to using dish soap.

Chad McElligott